What wallet can I withdraw my Crypto to?

We recommend that you withdraw your crypto to any wallet that does not require a minimum amount to be deposited into the wallet, especially a wallet that you are in full control of. Do not withdraw or send your crypto to Payeer wallet, Exchange Services wallet, Microwallets, or any wallet that requires a high minimum deposit amount. Doing this will result in the loss of your crypto to such services, if the crypto amount you withdrew was less than the minimum deposit amount for their service/wallet and we won't be able to help you or recover your crypto.

Types of crypto wallets

There are 2 types of crypto wallets that may interest you to know about:

  • Custodial wallets
  • Non-custodial wallets

  1. A Custodial Wallet is a type of wallet in which the private keys of the wallet are held by a third party. In this type of wallet, you only have permission to send or receive payments, while the third party has full control over your funds. The third party performs a role similar to a bank — it provides you with a wallet in which you can hold your funds. Examples of custodial wallets are wallets provided by exchanges service like Binance, Coinbase, Payeer, Stakecube, Luno etc.

  1. A Non-custodial Wallet is a type of wallet that provides you with far more control and allows you to be completely responsible for your funds and do with it whatever you please. You have full control over your funds, no minimum deposit required, and most importantly, you possess your private key. Ledger, Trezor (or any other Hardware wallets), Trust Wallet, Exodus, Klever wallet and a couple of other non-custodial wallets are good examples of wallets that do not require a minimum deposit amount.

Check with your wallet provider to see if they require a minimum amount to be deposited before withdrawing your crypto. If you want to withdraw your crypto to an Exchange service (eg. Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Luno etc), be sure to check and confirm this detail.

Note: We do not give recommendations for any of the wallets mentioned above. Please carry out a thorough research to find a wallet that suits your needs

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